FOTAS Volunteers & Better Impact
FOTAS Volunteers!
We are launching Better Impact, our volunteer hours tracking software. We know that our volunteers put in tons of time helping the animals, but we do not know how much time! Better Impact will enable us to accurately measure how many hours our volunteers are putting in – this way we will qualify for more grant money and we can show the public the good work we are doing. Sign up at the shelter and then use these links to see available volunteer opportunities and to log your hours.
FOTAS Volunteers FAQ
As of January 1st, 2019, there will no longer be a paper sign in sheet.
“Oh no! How will FOTAS know that I am here and how much time I am putting in???”
It’s easy! All volunteers will sign in and out using the Better Impact Volunteer Tracking Software, either on the computer kiosk at the front desk, or using their smartphone.
“How do I get signed up?”
Set a few minutes aside at the beginning or end of your volunteer shift to have Adoption Staff get you started. All you’ll need is your contact information and to pick out a password.
“What if I forget my password?”
You’ll receive a reminder sheet with your user name, password and URL to log in from home or smartphone (if you desire). If you come to the shelter and don’t have your sheet, no problem, Adoption Staff have the ability to change your username and password if you forget!
“Why does FOTAS want to change the way they track volunteer hours?”
More accurate volunteer logs will qualify us for more grants, which means more money to save animals. By keeping the logs digitally, they will be easily searchable and we can quickly compile data to fulfill grant requirements. Additionally, we will have a record of who is on the property in case of an emergency.
“What other changes are in store for FOTAS and Better Impact.”
Once we get up and running tracking volunteer hours, we will also be able to use Better Impact to schedule volunteer shifts, and to coordinate events and volunteering opportunities.
Thank you for volunteering!