Summer brings puppies and the urgent need for fosters

Beth Pratt’s Irish Setter, Max, likes to spend time with the foster puppies she takes in for FOTAS.

This time of year, we take in litter after litter of puppies. We truly rely on our fosters to keep these puppies healthy and away from the stress of the shelter.

We often ask if people have an open horse stall that we can fill with puppies. This can cause some worry by those that don’t understand how fabulous a stall can be for puppies. A stall is much more spacious than a kennel, it is quieter than the shelter, and the puppies can play and relax.

Nick and Sabrina keep the puppies in a stall, and they get playtime with Allie in the paddocks. This is a much better environment for pups than a crowded kennel at the shelter.
Nick and Sabrina keep the puppies in a stall, and they get playtime with Allie in the paddocks. This is a much better environment for pups than a crowded kennel at the shelter.

Sabrina Byrum and her husband Nick foster so many litters! The couple recently adopted a dog from the Aiken County Animal Shelter. Her name is Allie, and she absolutely loves to be with the foster puppies. The pups are kept in the stall but get playtime with Allie in the paddocks. It’s perfect!

Sarah Berkowitz and John Pallasch are always busy, but they never hesitate to take a litter when time allows. Their foster pups get to play with their many big, fluffy Great Pyrenees, two of whom were adopted from our shelter. The puppies get to play in a stall and run around the farm, such a dream for puppies!

Sabrina Byrum with her foster pups and adopted dog, Allie, who helps keep the little ones entertained.
Sabrina Byrum with her foster pups and adopted dog, Allie, who helps keep the little ones entertained.

Beth Platt is another wonderful foster that takes litters into her home. She has a stunning Irish Setter named Max that helps socialize the puppies in her care. Beth has visitors to her farm that love to play with the puppies. Her foster pups come back to the shelter so social and happy!

Being a foster for FOTAS can be an extremely rewarding experience. When foster parents pick up puppies, we all celebrate. Once home or in the barn, the puppies instantly relax and start playing! FOTAS will provide the pet food, toys, crate…whatever is needed. You provide the love.

If you live in Aiken County and would like to foster for us, please send an email message to or call the County Animal Shelter, 803.642.1537.

Their lives are in our hands.

By Kathy Cagle, FOTAS Programs Coordinator