When Joanne Goble’s husband of fifty plus years died, she knew she had to get out of the house and stop feeling sorry for herself. That “something,” she decided, should satisfy her lifelong love of dogs. She called the Aiken County Animal Shelter and signed up for a volunteer orientation class.

That was in early 2018. Today Joanne works with the dogs on the adoption floor, mans the front desk, helps the staff with clerical duties, fosters puppies—anything she can do to help, she does.
By the way, Joanne volunteers all day, five days a week. She is 82 years old.
Here’s the thing: for all the things Joanne does for the shelter, she gets so much more in return.
“There’s an inner peace,” says Joanne, “that comes from putting my energy into a dog and knowing I’m making a difference in his or her life—that I can help a confused, homeless animal find a home and a loving family. You can’t imagine what that means to me.”
I’ve been thinking a lot about Joanne’s story and her commitment to the shelter in these final days of 2019 as I prepare my list of New Year’s resolutions for 2020. I don’t know why I bother because the list is the same every year: exercise more, eat less, clean my closets, and organize the piles of papers on my desk. Moreover, I suspect that this year, like the years before, despite my initial enthusiasm, I will get distracted and my commitment will wane with each passing week, and by spring, all that will remain of my lofty intentions will be a nagging, low-level guilt.

Why is that? I’m no psychologist, but I’m going to hazard a guess here: self-serving resolutions that only involve physical activity and busy work do not nourish the spirit and are too insubstantial to inspire meaningful, enduring change.
What if, then, like Joanne Goble, we were to resolve to engage in activities that demand commitment to others, to a cause greater than ourselves? Activities that make a difference in the lives of overworked shelter staff and homeless animals? Activities that call forth love and compassion to make an abandoned puppy feel safe, to comfort a scared, trembling dog, or to keep a motherless kitten warm? Based on the experience of Joanne and so many FOTAS volunteers, those resolutions might just be winners.
On Tuesday night, as the ball drops on Times Square and the party favors pop and confetti fills the air, why not usher in the new year with a resolution to make a difference? To exercise your heart, your humanity, your body, and your civic duty, and in the process, help save the lives of thousands of vulnerable animals?

“I can honestly say that volunteering at the county shelter has saved my life,” says Joanne. “I look forward every day to a new challenge and the fellowship with other FOTAS volunteers and shelter staff.”
Now is the time to resolve to join us in this important work—to satisfy your soul with good deeds. The shelter is packed, and we need male and female volunteers and short-term fosters.
Their lives are in our hands.
— By Joanna Dunn Samson, FOTAS Vice-President


CHIP: Carolina dog, male, 1 year old, tan, 32 pounds – $35

BELLE: Domestic Shorthair, female, 1 year old, orange Tabby, 6 pounds – $10 (Aiken PetSmart)