Animal Control brought in a puppy one morning and said there was something wrong with his front legs. I was in surgery so could not look at him immediately but thought to myself, “Maybe he has some hair loss, maybe a cut or, at worst, a broken leg.”
When I was ready to examine him, I wasn’t prepared for what I saw. His front legs were so deformed, I was surprised he could walk. His bones were somewhat curved, but worse were the ligaments in his joints, particularly the wrist. It looked like the top bone was pointing in one direction and the bottom one in another.

The puppy had rickets, which is due to a nutritional deficiency of calcium from lack of proper care. I had never seen such a bad case of front limb deformity, and most of what I had seen were in puppies younger and smaller than he was. I really wasn’t sure we could fix him.
We started him on calcium supplements and splinted both his front legs. When he walked, the splints made a “clicking” sound like someone walking in high heels. He stole everyone’s heart and we named him Ricky.
I wanted to put Ricky into foster care because his recovery might take weeks or even months, and the exercise he could get outside the shelter would benefit him. But I was hesitant as I know foster families get attached and I couldn’t be sure of a positive outcome. Foster extraordinaire Jeri Wesner stepped up and promised me she would understand if he didn’t improve but wanted to give him the best life she could until we knew his final outcome. Ricky proved to be a handful, chewing up his splints and going full throttle all the time.

I consulted with Dr. Bogner at Aiken Pet Fitness & Rehabilitation, and she recommended splints on for a few weeks and then leaving them off a few days at a time to strengthen Ricky’s ligaments. After a few weeks, his left front leg looked pretty straight, so we left the splint off. A week later, we removed the second splint but the right leg was still very crooked. We left if off for the weekend, and when he came back Monday, the right leg was straight and he was running normally. It was nothing short of amazing!
Ricky continued to improve and quickly found a forever home. Special thanks to Jeri and all of our fosters whose help is invaluable in the recovery of these special cases.
— By Dr. Lisa Levy, ACAS Veterinarian