By Joanna Dunn Samson, FOTAS Vice President
My name is BeBe, and I love humans. Oh sure, I’ve come across a few bad ones in my seven years, but at the Aiken County Animal Shelter, the humans are the best ever! Tops! See, I had been wandering around out in the country all by myself for a long time — tired, hungry, and more than a little bit worried about coyotes. And the fleas! Well, enough said about the fleas. The point being, when the nice animal control officers picked me up, I was relieved. At the shelter, I got fed, a safe place to sleep, a hot bath (goodbye, fleas!), and really great humans to take care of me.
Last Saturday, I knew something special was happening because all the humans were excited about a FOTAS benefit for the shelter called “Woofstock,” so when our best pal, Kathy Jacobs, the FOTAS Program Director, picked me, Otto, Lola, and Hatch to go to Woofstock, I got excited, too. We all piled into our crates on the van and Kathy clapped, smiled that super-bright Kathy-smile, pumped her fist, and said, “Okay, everyone! Next stop, Citizens Park and the Woofstock festival!”

We all barked and pranced and yipped and wagged our tails, our way of saying “We’re in!” Then Otto froze, cocked his head and asked, “What’s a festival?” Oh, Otto. As it turns out, Woofstock was the happiest place I’ve ever been. There were dogs and people and kids (I love kids!) and doggie ice cream and burgers. There were funny races with those little wiener dogs and other dogs and everyone laughed and whopped and clapped. There were all sorts of contests for dogs and their humans, like the Best Costume, Best Trick, and Best Kisser (did I mention I’m a world-class kisser? If only I’d had a human . . . well, let’s just say that blue ribbon would have gone home in the FOTAS van.)
Everywhere you looked, there were big humans and little humans and their dog pals just hanging out and having a good time on a sunny day. I met a bunch of dogs who used to be at the shelter, who had all sorts of bad luck stories and now have families of their own. That gave me hope that maybe one day I’ll have a family, too—one with kids and other dogs, maybe. Or just a nice couple. Maybe even just one human I can make happy. I’m not picky. Not at all.

It was a great day, so much fun. One of the volunteers said the day was a smashing success thanks to FOTAS volunteers Ellie Joos, Carol Stamm, and Jenny Spiro — they organized the whole shebang. Then Kathy said that the best thing about Woofstock was that it is a celebration of the great love between people and dogs. I couldn’t agree more — even if I don’t know what a celebration is, and even though I didn’t get adopted like my pals Otto and Lola.
That’s okay. My time will come. Soon, I hope. Next year, me and my favorite human might even win the Kissing Contest. For sure.

(BeBe is a very special, friendly dog—a lover of people and animals. She seriously needs a home. She needs you.)
Their lives are in our hands.

Retriever mix, male, 2 years old, 48 pounds – $35

Domestic Shorthair kitten, female, 2 months old, 1.2 pounds – $10