Each day our volunteers and foster families ask, “Why?” “Why are the brindle dogs ignored?”
It used to be that black dogs were ignored on the adoption floor. It’s a simple shopping principle, really. Your eyes are attracted to the brightest dog in the kennels. Therefore, yellow dogs, red dogs, and even white dogs get adopted more quickly than black dogs.
But recently we have found that people walk by the gorgeous brindle dogs. Brindle is a specific coat pattern that only occurs in a small number of dogs. The best way to describe the pattern is like “tiger stripes.” Usually, a brindle dog will have a base coloring with darker stripes. These dogs with metallic undertones are truly spectacular and often the nicest of our dogs.

Take for example, Patrick. This adorable boy has puppy eyes and looks like a stuffed animal. Patrick is five years old and was brought to us months ago, after being abandoned with other dogs. He never has an accident in his kennel and sits so patiently waiting for his walk. The volunteers just rave about how sweet and loving Patrick is and how easy he is to walk! Dogs his age are past the puppy stage and perfect companions. He is so good!
Miracle is six years old and a great size. She was abandoned in a home. Imagine that? The poor girl was petrified when she came to the shelter. Now she is in playgroups with other dogs, loves her walks, and looks at everyone as if saying, “Pick me!” But no one looks her way. We are all noticing her giving up hope, which is heartbreaking.

Rick is a stunning red brindle. He is a young dog and really likes to play, especially with other dogs. He was quiet and soft when he came in, and now he barks desperately trying to get attention. This poor boy is growing up in a kennel, which is not okay. He is the sweetest!
Why discriminate against a dog by its color? Some people think that brindles are associated with aggression. That is incredibly sad and untrue. Just come meet these doggos to see for yourself!
Did you know that brindle coat patterns are like fingerprints? They are unique to each dog. They are gorgeous, special and one of a kind!
We are taught at a young age not to judge a book by its cover. These sweet dogs are overlooked due to theirs. I believe we are better than that and hope that someone out there will read this and come adopt one of our friends. All of our brindle buddies are fee waived in hopes that someone will adopt one of these rare beauties sooner than later.
Their lives are in our hands.
By Kathy Cagle, FOTAS Programs Coordinator