My name is Jay. I was recently adopted from the Aiken County Animal Shelter and have a story to tell.
I never wanted to end up at the shelter but, when it happened, I had no choice. The shelter isn’t such a bad place; it’s clean and healthy. I got food, shelter and medical care. The people were nice, too… but it still isn’t the same as being in a real home.

I was hoping for a short stay but became concerned when I saw other dogs getting adopted while I was still stuck in the shelter. I’m a good dog but have a big, wide head and was concerned that people who passed by my kennel weren’t giving me a second look.
I got stressed out as day after day passed and I was still stuck at the shelter. Even though volunteers came and walked us every day, I admit that I got anxious from being in my kennel and my behavior was starting to concern some people.
Just when I was feeling my lowest, this great guy named Kelly took me to his home for a weekend. It turns out he travels for his work during the week but takes a dog longing for companionship, like me, home for weekends. We took car rides, chilled out, watched TV and I got used to his comfortable couches. He told me I was becoming a couch potato, whatever that means.
Then it happened. A family came to the shelter looking to adopt a dog and they chose me! The staff called Kelly and he rushed to the shelter and met this family, the Martins, as they were filling out the adoption papers. He bragged about me to them and offered to drive me to their home and help me settle in with them to make sure everything was cool.
After Kelly left their home, the Martins called the shelter to tell them that they took me outside and I immediately did my business and then went into the house and hopped up on one of their comfortable couches. It took a few days for us to get to know each other but they are great owners (with great couches). I have everything I need.

They changed my name to Max and I kind of like it. I heard Mrs. Martin say that I keep them entertained and it was great to bring laughter back into their home. I am now definitely a part of their family.
I have Kelly to thank for my new, wonderful life and FOTAS is fortunate to have him as a volunteer.
I understand that after Kelly left the Martin home that first night, he went right back to the shelter. Why? To bring Gabriel home, Kelly’s next doggie overnight buddy.
Please consider volunteering like Kelly and participating in our “Can I Crash on Your Couch?” program. You can take home a shelter dog in need for a sleepover, giving him extra TLC and much-needed relaxation. The dog will be so grateful for a break from the daily stress of an institutional environment. Call (803) 514-4313 for more information.
— By Jay aka Max, Ex-shelter Dog