“Giving is not just about making a donation, it’s about making a difference.” –Kathy Calvin, CEO, United Nations Foundation
It’s the time of year when the spirit of Christmas thrives. It’s a time of gratitude for our family and friends. It’s a time to rejoice our faith. It’s a time for love.

It is also the time to express your love through charitable giving, and if your mailbox is anything like mine, it’s filled with requests from worthy local charities for year-end contributions. They all do good works, so how do you decide?
If you’re an animal lover and you want your hard-earned dollars to make a real and measurable difference, then FOTAS, the private partner of the Aiken County Animal Shelter, is the right choice for your charitable urges. Here’s why:
• FOTAS, working with the county shelter, saves more animals any other 501(c)(3) organization in the CSRA through its innovative and aggressive adoption and transfer programs. Last year, 4507 animals were saved, and this year we anticipate that every adoptable animal that ends up in the shelter will be saved.
• FOTAS funds more spay/neuter pet surgeries for folks in financial need than any other 501(c)(3) organization in the CSRA.
• FOTAS funds more TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) surgeries for community cats than any other 501(c)(3) organization in the CSRA.
• FOTAS saves more heartworm positive (HWP) dogs than any other 501(c)(3) organization in the CSRA.
• FOTAS recruits and trains an army of foster families and volunteers to help the shelter with all of its activities and needs.
• FOTAS supplements adoption fees for active military personnel and veterans.
• FOTAS helps county animal control take dogs off the chain by funding humane runners for distribution to county residents.
• FOTAS also funds the costs of flea medication, toys, leashes, and pet food supplements, as well as subsidizing equipment and extraordinary medical needs.
FOTAS is 100% supported by private donations, so your generosity is critical to our continued success. Plus, you can rest assured that every dollar you donate will be put to good use. FOTAS was one of ten (out of thousands!) South Carolina charities to receive the Secretary of State’s “Angel” award, which recognizes the state’s most efficient and effective charities.

But, you ask, have all those private donations to FOTAS really made a difference?
You bet they have. In 2009, the year that FOTAS was created, only 5% of the animals consigned to the shelter made it out alive. In 2018 and 2019, every adoptable animal passing through the shelter was (and will be) saved—that’s well over 95%
That’s huge.
As exciting as our success has been, there is still so much to do, particularly since the county’s intake numbers remain dishearteningly high (4,500-5,000 animals/year). We greatly appreciate your generosity and hope you will continue to support us.
Please send your much-needed donations to FOTAS, PO Box 2207, Aiken SC 29802.
Their lives are in our hands
PS: Join us for our Homes for the Holidays adoption special this Saturday, December 7th!
— By Joanna D. Samson, FOTAS Vice-President

Saturday, Dec. 7, FOTAS is holding a “Homes for the Holidays” adoption event at the Aiken County Animal Shelter from 11:00 to 4:30. It will feature adoption specials, refreshments and special guest, Santa Claus. All adopters will receive a gift and a complimentary photo with Santa and their new pet.


JD: Hound mix, male, 5 years old, white & brown, 69 pounds – $35

REMI: Domestic Shorthair cat, male, 1 year old, brown Tabby, 8 pounds – $10