At a time when we might feel helpless in a world out of control, Kai’s story reminds us we can still make a difference.
His fear also hits home. There’s a lot of scary going on.
Maybe that’s why this traumatized dog with a broken heart became a social media celeb in just one day. More than 68,000 people around the globe shared his post. Another 25,000 offered tears, donations, and prayers.

As one reader in Virginia put it: “The comments under Kai’s post restore my faith in humanity at a time when I need it most.”
At the time of our first post, Kai was a sad frightened dog in the corner of his kennel. Fear like we haven’t seen in a long time. When he heard a noise while eating, food fell from his mouth.
Now, through your sharing, Kai can rest peacefully in the lap of his foster hero Jessica, with Southern Tails for Precious Paws Rescue in Charleston, SC. She is an expert in healing dogs who’ve been beaten and abused.

What’s more, three other struggling dogs got homes too, from the 500 plus emails the Aiken County Animal Shelter woke up to that morning, all asking to adopt Kai.
Please take a minute and take it in. You saved four dogs by sharing one post. That’s power. That’s goodness. That’s the love that changes everything.
Whatever you may think about social media, at the Aiken County Animal Shelter, where over 4,000 unwanted animals were received last year, this communication tool and the sharing of our Facebook posts (especially during this chaotic time) has been a blessing in helping us to continue to save so many lives. Your sharing of a FOTAS Facebook post could be the one that saves that shelter pet’s life.
Thank you. Their lives are in our hands.
— By Martha Anne Tudor, FOTAS Volunteer