On Friday, May 31, Lisa Brucchi walked out of her Windsor home into the blistering heat to check her mailbox. She was expecting an important letter from her mom and was eager to see if it had arrived. But as she walked up to her mailbox, she noticed a box on the ground. At first, she thought someone had just left some garbage there but as she got closer, she saw someone had done something much worse. Inside the box were nine puppies covered in their own feces and urine, panting heavily and crying for help.
“When I saw them, I just burst out crying and didn’t know what to do,” Brucchi said. “How could someone leave them out there like that?”

She got them into the cool air conditioning of her home and called her fiancé, Glen Morrow. They brought the distressed pups to the Aiken County Animal Shelter (ACAS), where they were put into some cool water to bring their temperature down. At first, the 3-week-old pups couldn’t open their eyes and their tongues were hanging out, but they slowly came around.
After the veterinary staff fully examined and treated them, a FOTAS foster took them into her home for extra care and monitoring. Being so young, the puppies aren’t quite out of the woods. But their prognosis is good – and Brucchi and Morrow’s quick actions are the reason they have a chance of surviving and living happy lives.
The same afternoon these nine pups were fighting for life in the hot sun, another good Samaritan, Tristan Stone, was driving to a business meeting when he saw two puppies walking along the side of the road. The pups looked confused and were nearly furless from mange. Stone took them to the ACAS and was informed that someone had reported eight puppies in the same area. He volunteered to go back and spotted three more – these were in better shape and from the same litter.
Stone’s girlfriend, Hannah Williams, met him at the Shelter and she volunteered to foster the five pups until they recover and gain strength. They are about 3 months old and look like Beagle/Retriever mixes. Thanks to this caring couple, these babies are getting healthy and will be adopted in no time.

The shelter received these 14 puppies in just a one-hour period. On the same day, it received 27 other strays and surrendered animals. This was during a short Memorial Day week in which the shelter took in 126 homeless pets.
Please spay/neuter your pets. If you live in Aiken County and need financial assistance, you can get vouchers at the ACAS, located at 333 Wire Road. If you can help us foster, please call the FOTAS hotline, (803) 514-4313. Also note our new adoption hours: 11:00 to 5:00 Monday, Wednesday and Friday; 11:00 to 7:00 on Tuesday and Thursday; and 11:00 to 4:30 on Saturday.
Their lives are in our hands.
— By Bob Gordon, FOTAS Communications Director

In the first week of June, the ACAS received more than 150 strays and surrendered pets. This follows receiving 519 homeless pets during the month of May.


Mixed breed, male, 3 years old, brindle, 57 pounds – $35

Domestic Shorthair female, 2 years old, orange Tabby, 6 pounds – $10