After pets are adopted from the Aiken County Animal Shelter, staff members follow up to see how they are doing in their new homes. Here is some recent feedback from our adopters.

Sweet Retriever mix Scotty thinks he’s a lap dog
Scotty, now named Beau, is doing wonderfully! He is such a good boy. I think that he thinks he is a small lap dog as he has sat on my lap for TV time two nights in a row. We love him and have already discussed training classes for him. He just hasn’t been given a chance. It’s not his fault that he doesn’t know certain things.
Fred Kidd

Cute Emry hates baths, loves chasing lizards
Things are going great with Sven! We changed his name to Emry and he’s learned it in no time. He’s a little excited around other dogs sometimes, but overall, he’s great. We feed him the kibble y’all recommended daily. But I also make him some chicken and rice, or fresh dog-friendly veggies and fruits. He’s not a fan of baths, but he loves chasing our front yard lizards, rain or shine. Thanks for adding him to our family!
Anna & David Kay

Great Pyrenees mix Del is gentle and loving
Del is so gentle and loving, and she shines at obedience training. We’ve gotten her up to about 96 pounds with athletic formula food. She’s fit but still lean. She’ll roam the pasture for hours, if given the chance. She’s good around the horses and our other dog. We absolutely love her and are grateful to have her in our lives.
Doug Linscott

Kitten Binx is loved and spoiled
Binx is absolutely wonderful. He has a BIG appetite and loves his toy bird that chirps. His favorite friend is our Yorkie. He immediately bonded with him, and they are officially a pair. Binx is extremely playful and adapted quickly. He was meant for our family.
Angela Hart

Senior Beagle Blossom enjoys car rides to Petco
Blossom is doing well. She eats and plays well with other dogs. I’m very happy I picked her. She has grown very attached to me and loves to go for rides in the car to Petco. Thank you to everyone who helped me adopt her.
Lourdes Rodriguez
Pretty Zyla is pretty perfect

Zyla is doing amazing. We are so lucky to have her. She’s really come out of her shell, and is such a happy girl! She learned to use the doggy door after a week. She and our daughter have so much fun playing together. She loves going on walks (we have lots of wooded trails) and has picked her favorite spot by the pool already to sunbathe. She gets along so well with our other dog, Tonka. We really couldn’t have asked for a better dog. She’s pretty perfect.
Jessica Warmath
There are many more wonderful homeless pets at the County Shelter who need a second chance for a good life. Please go to to see them or stop by and visit them at 333 Wire Road. Dogs and pups are $35, while cats and kittens are only $10.
Their lives are in our hands.
By Bob Gordon, FOTAS Communications Director