A woman from Ohio saw two bonded, senior Beagle mix siblings, Benson and Aggie, posted on Facebook and, with a little help from some FOTAS friends, adopted them and had them in her home in less than 24 hours.
That’s the power of social media and a great example of how it saves homeless pets’ lives every day. When you share a FOTAS Facebook post or create your own post about a dog or cat available at the Aiken County Animal Shelter (ACAS), that pet’s face and description reaches more people than any advertisement or print media – and often results in a successful adoption.

For Benson and Aggie, their journey to a new home began when Martinez, GA resident Steve Wall saw Martha Anne Tudor’s Facebook post about the two dogs in need and decided to share it on one of his favorite Facebook community pages, called “I love my Beagle.” Cindy Lejeune of Cleveland, Ohio saw Steve’s post and commented that she missed her two late Beagles who had recently died from cancer less than two months apart. From there, Cindy contacted Steve on Facebook messenger and a dialogue began.
After communicating with Steve, Cindy wanted to learn more about the dogs, so she called the ACAS and talked to FOTAS volunteer Joanne Goble. Joanne answered all of Cindy’s questions and told her that the Benson and Aggie had been on the adoption floor for a long time. Joanne also explained that their previous owner had passed away and that’s how the poor senior dogs had ended up in the shelter.

“Everyone was so helpful and friendly,” Cindy said. “But I wasn’t sure how I was going to get them here. To be honest, I was a little afraid of driving all the way to Aiken and back by myself.”
Then Steve Wall made a very generous offer. He said he could transport Benson and Aggie part of the way. If they met at Beckley, WV – the halfway point between Aiken and Cleveland – it would cut her trip in half.

“I told her we shouldn’t let 675 miles stop these dogs from finding a good home,” he said.
Cindy agreed and on Saturday, Feb. 22, Steve picked up Benson and Aggie for their ride to a forever home. Shelter staff members and FOTAS Program Coordinator Kathy Jacobs processed the dogs and got them ready, so Steve could pick them up first thing in the morning.
At 3:30 in the afternoon, Steve and the dogs met Cindy at a BP gas station in Beckley. Steve also passed along their paperwork, medical records and toys. By 8:30 p.m., Benson and Aggie were safe and sound in their new home.
“They’re such sweet dogs,” Cindy said. “Benson jumped up on the bed right away and made it clear he was sleeping there and Aggie, who’s a real sweetheart, slept with her head on my shoulder.”
–By Bob Gordon, FOTAS Communications Director