Puppies, puppies, puppies!

One of the litters arrived, stuffed in a hot, dirty kennel.

A dozen puppies at the Aiken County Animal Shelter are looking for good homes, another 15 desperately need fostering, and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight as more stray pups keep pouring into the shelter.

Why are we getting so many puppies? Well, there are a number of factors, including people overbreeding and dumping puppies on the side of the road or on other people’s property. In addition, adult dogs are increasingly being abandoned on the street, often by people facing financial hardships who can no longer afford to feed or house them. These wandering strays are breeding and producing pups. Also, Aiken County is growing and our veterinarian offices are not able to keep up with appointments. This means citizens sometimes find that spay and neuter surgeries are booked up and an appointment for surgery may not be available for months, resulting in many accidental litters.

Adopters needed for cute puppies
Because of this puppy explosion we’re experiencing, we have adorable canine babes available for adoption. Dilly, a chunky four-month-old, is squishy, lazy and loves snuggle time! Delilah is a more petite, super fun pup that loves to play.

The Hound/Shepherd litter is amazing! These pups, which include Bandit, Carrie, Rex, Rocky, Tina, Spicy, Zyla and Zeek, came to us shoved in a hot and filthy crate. They are so grateful for love, baths and no more fleas! This crew adores toys and any attention given.

The Labby litter, which includes Nigel, Niko, Nathan and Nolan, breaks our hearts. We couldn’t find a foster home for them so by the time we could get them fixed and ready for adoption, they were a little more shy than we would prefer. However, these cuties will be fine; they just need homes soon, so they can build confidence and gain more trust in people.

Short-term fosters needed now more than ever
Every kennel in our puppy section is full of litters. This is so hard to see. These babies need love and care. Are they safe and cared for? Of course. We have an amazing staff. But the shelter is full, and no one has enough time to work with puppies.

We need short-term foster homes now. What does that mean exactly? We have litters that need safe places to stay healthy and receive love until we can get the proper vaccinations for them. Every pup gets vaccinated when they arrive at the shelter. But they need a series of vaccinations, so they don’t get parvo or other awful things. FOTAS provides food, crates, toys… anything you need.

Foster homes are extremely important because they help puppies get proper socialization. If you have a farm, we would love to fill an open stall with a cute, grateful litter of puppies! A stall gives them so much room to play and sleep and the quiet of a farm is so much healthier than the noisy shelter.

We talk about our need for foster homes often because they are so vital to the health and happiness of our homeless pups. It is also one of the most rewarding experiences you can have as a volunteer.

If you can help, please contact us at info@fotasaiken.org.

Their lives are in our hands.
By Kathy Cagle, FOTAS Programs Coordinator