Pure bliss. That is what a shelter dog feels when he gets a chance to spend time away from the shelter for a night, a weekend or even just a couple of hours.
So, three years ago we launched the FOTAS Doggie Days Out program, which allows citizens to take a dog from the Aiken County Animal Shelter (ACAS) for a few hours to go for a walk, a trip to the park or another exciting activity. The program is especially beneficial to dogs who are anxious or suffering from kennel stress.

“It’s a fabulous program because the dogs get to go on an adventure with you and they get excited by the new sites and smells,” said Valarie Trapp, a local teacher who has taken many different ACAS dogs out this summer. “It’s also a great way to help socialize the dogs — by nurturing, loving and getting to know them.”
“Doggie dating” at the shelter also helps promote the dogs and expose them to a larger audience. Adam Poore and his mom come to the shelter every Friday to take a dog out for a few hours. When Adam walks them or stops by a restaurant to buy them a snack, he takes photos and makes short videos of the experience. One of his videos of handsome, gray and white Harrison was posted on the FOTAS Facebook page and caught the eye of Ashley Harris, who adopted the sweet dog.
“Some people might be apprehensive about spending time with the shelter animals because they think it will make them feel bad when they bring them back,” Poore said. “But it doesn’t make you feel bad; it makes you feel really good. With your help, these dogs have gotten away from the shelter noise, enjoyed a snack and had a good time.”
Wendy Hirsch enjoyed her first doggie date last week and posted photos of her time with older dog Graham on Facebook.
“I like the fact that it is so easy to sign up,” Hirsch said. “You just complete a one-page form, the staff makes a copy of your driver’s license, and you take the dog out for a trip downtown, Citizens Park or just a calming car ride.”

This year, FOTAS introduced a program that allows citizens to take a shelter dog home overnight or for a weekend. With this “Can I Crash on Your Couch?” program, shelter dogs get to spend time in a real home so they can get much-needed sleep and one-on-one attention. A shelter, no matter how nice, can be a stressful place with barking and other environmental elements making it difficult for pets to sleep. When a shelter dog returns from an overnight, he is full of joy. This experience helps them become better prepared for their future family.
If you would like to participate in the Doggie Day Out and/or Can I Crash on Your Couch? programs, please call the ACAS at (803) 642-1537, option #5, or send an email to info@fotasaiken.com. Or just stop by the shelter, 333 Wire Road, and we’ll get you started!
Our homeless dogs will be waiting for you.
Their lives are in our hands.
— By Bob Gordon, FOTAS Communications Director