Adopting a pet can bring years of love, laughter, and companionship into you and your family’s life, but it is also a responsibility that goes far beyond providing food and water.

Pets need a safe place to shelter them from the elements. They need to be vaccinated against rabies and other types of preventable diseases. Since fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes never stop breeding here in the South where the weather is warm year-round, flea and tick medicine and heartworm prevention are essential. All pets should be spayed or neutered to avoid accidental breeding and rampant overpopulation of homeless animals that end up in the shelter, cared for by the taxpayers. In addition, an unfixed pet is more likely to roam, get into trouble, get injured or hit by a car. Unfixed pets are more likely to develop cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.

Slightly more than one half of the intake at the Aiken County Animal Shelter are strays picked up by Animal Control. Only 8% of strays are claimed by their owners. That means that the owners of 92% of those animals didn’t care enough to keep those animals safe at home or to look for them when they disappeared (or worse, they just dumped them on the side of the road). The strays that get picked up are, for the most part, skinny, scared, and flea-bitten. They are often heartworm positive. They may have picked up mange from scavenging food in the trash. Hundreds of strays come to the shelter each year injured — attacked by other dogs, shot at, beaten, hit by cars. We’re seeing more of it all the time. It’s discouraging and heartbreaking.
Take one of our recently adopted residents, Edgar. When he was picked up by Animal Control, patches of his fur were missing from scratching himself raw because he is allergic to fleas. He is such a loving dog, too: calm, gentle, great with kids. Or Rupert, rescued by Animal Control because the owners did not provide “adequate” food and shelter. “Not adequate” is an understatement. Rupert was starving; every single bone in his body was visible under his scraggly coat. Although distrustful at first, Rupert came to love shelter life: regular feeding; a clean, safe, warm place to sleep; people to love; and pals to hang out with.

It’s hard for us to imagine how someone could have cared so little about Edgar and Rupert to allow them to suffer so much, but here’s the amazing thing. Despite their unpleasant experiences at the hands of humans, both dogs have been willing — so willing — to give us another chance. That takes real heart and courage. We can learn something about forgiveness from these dogs.
Neglected, abandoned, homeless animals do not have a voice, but we do. Please talk about responsible pet care with your neighbors, your children, your friends, your family, your church. Speak out when you see an animal neglected or abused. We can help by educating owners, suggest alternatives or provide resources, and if necessary, rescue the pet and give them a second chance with responsible, committed owners who will shower them with affection and treat them like family. Edgar and Rupert deserve that. They all do.
Their lives are in our hands.
–– By Joanna Samson, FOTAS Vice President
By the Numbers
In the first week of March, the Aiken County Animal Shelter received more than 100 strays and surrendered pets.
Pets of the WeekJAMES
Mixed breed, male, 4 years old, red, 61 pounds – $35
Domestic Shorthair, male, 1 year old, orange Tabby, 7 pounds – $10