By Kathy Jacobs, FOTAS Program Director
Educating our children is essential for promoting better pet care and reducing the number of homeless dogs and cats.
Last week, Dog Trainer Susi Cohen and I were invited to Oakwood Windsor Elementary School to share what we do to support the Aiken County Animal Shelter (ACAS). Susi, a trainer with the Palmetto Dog Club who volunteers her services to FOTAS, brought Holly, a young Retriever mix, to demonstrate basic dog training to the children. She explained that just as teachers use positive reinforcement with students, dog owners need to do the same with their pets.

When young Holly jumped up for attention, Susi explained that the best way to handle this overzealous behavior is to redirect her and praise her when she returns to standing on all fours. She stressed that you should never call your dog a “bad dog”. There are no bad dogs, just dogs that didn’t receive the training that they so desperately need.
One little boy had a great question. He said he understood it was not proper to call his dog bad but asked if it was okay to tell his dog, “No,” when it was misbehaving. Susi smiled and agreed that you must correct your dog, but it’s important to find a specific way to say it. Maybe tell your dog “Off” instead of “No”. She explained that yelling at your dog doesn’t help either; just simply praise your pet when she does what you want her to do. Dogs love attention and they love to please. Training provides both offerings for your pet.
So many of the dogs that come into the shelter are one to two years old. The behavioral reasons people give for surrendering them are typically because they are “too high energy”, “destructive” and/or “too much responsibility.” But if you train them properly, you can avoid these issues. Susi and Karen DeCamp, another wonderful trainer with Palmetto Dog Club, meet and work with people who are struggling with their pet’s conduct. Often, they can provide simple training tips to fix such unwanted behavior, which helps keep many dogs in their homes and out of the shelter.

I also brought a foster kitten to visit with the students. The students were surprised when I told them how many dogs and cats are taken in by the shelter each year. One boy said, “My dog just had 12 puppies, but three died.” Another little girl said her cat had kittens up in the attic and one had a lot of medical issues. I explained to them that Aiken County and FOTAS offer help in these situations. We have spay/neuter vouchers available at the shelter that greatly reduce the cost of this important surgery. It is a simple procedure that will ensure their dog or cat won’t have any more litters.
Going to the schools is always so rewarding. Not only do the shelter animals enjoy spending time with the students and vice versa, but teaching children about animal welfare and responsible pet ownership today paves the way for a better tomorrow.
Their lives are in our hands.
Hound mix, male, 1-1/2 years old, tan & white, 58 pounds, amputated left front leg – $35

Domestic Medium Hair, male, 2 years old, black, 8.8 pounds – $10