Well, we were hoping to turn over a new leaf, to have a fresh start to 2025 but in the past twelve days we received 150 dogs and cats, 60 of those being puppies, five of those being puppies that require bottle feeding, five so scared we can’t touch them.
One puppy was found in our donation bin. Poor Bindi, now in foster, was left on one of the coldest nights in a donation bin without warmth or protection.
We are encountering new challenges and doing our best to adapt.
Every kennel is full and we are getting more and more emails from people needing help.
How do we help?
For those who are financially struggling and needing help to feed their pets, we hold a monthly Community Pet Food Drive Thru. The need is greater than ever and we make sure each vehicle, household, gets a bag of dog or cat food that FOTAS purchases. This program allows people to keep their pets and not surrender due to financial difficulties.
Home to Home. Our Home to Home program gives people options for rehoming their pets – dogs, cats, guinea pigs, birds, etc., – free of charge. Pet owners can upload pictures of their pets with details on personality and why they can no longer keep them. We in turn post these pets on our Facebook page and website. This helps pets by keeping them out of the shelter and finding new homes.
Aiken County offers residents spay and neuter vouchers. If you qualify (based on income) you can apply for a spay and neuter voucher at the Aiken County Government Center. This voucher assists with the cost of spay and neuter surgeries at local veterinary establishments on the voucher list of which the County needs more. As a community we have to cut down on the unwanted litters of puppies and kittens.
The point is, we are full! We cannot possibly find homes for all these pets without the help of our community.
Spay and Neuter your pets!
Adopt – You do not need to go to a breeder, there are far too many wonderful pets that need you!
Foster – Give a dog, puppy, cat or kitten a safe place to thrive until we can find them a home.
Their lives are in our hands.
by Kathy Cagle FOTAS Programs Coordinator