People discriminate against black dogs and cats. This isn’t an opinion. It is a statistical fact. Black dogs and cats wait four times longer to get adopted from shelters and rescues as their lighter coated and more colorful counterparts. This phenomenon even has a name: Black Dog and Cat Syndrome.
But what is causing this alarming trend?

Some say it is due to people’s superstitions such as the belief that black cats are bad luck or dark dogs are dangerous and evil. Others believe the way black pets are depicted in literature and movies are the reason people don’t choose them. Remember the Nazi dogs in the movie, “The Boys from Brazil” or the hell hounds in “The Omen”? These killer canines were pitch black. Like human villains in film often wear black and spout dark, dastardly facial hair, the “bad” dogs on the big screen are usually black.
It is absurd and disheartening that people really believe in such nonsense in the 21st century but we can’t ignore it – especially when the shelter is filling up and these dogs can’t find homes.
However, there is another theory for Black Dog and Cat Syndrome that actually makes sense. Black pets are more difficult to photograph. Their features don’t translate as well to film unless the lighting is excellent (not always an option) and eye-catching photos play a vital role in promoting shelter pets via social media.

The dark-coated canines and black-furred felines we take care of and adopt out at the Aiken County Animal Shelter (ACAS) are typically every inch as wonderful as any brightly hued pet. In fact, the black dogs and cats currently available for adoption at the shelter include some of our best pets on the adoption floor.
Here is just a sampling of the awesome black dog and cats who need good homes:
• Mini black Lab mix Einstein is a one-year-old, playful dog who is just about the perfect family pet.
• Carter, a young cat who sleeps under a blanket and can’t get enough human attention.
• Hudson, a muscular mixed breed who loves to give visitors doggy kisses.
• Luna, another black Lab mix, who is four years old, medium-sized and super friendly.
• AJ, a shy and impressive Rottweiler mix who was abused in his past. However, he is learning to trust people again and starting to bond with staff and volunteers.
• Violet, an adorable senior Retriever mix, who might be the friendliest and sweetest dog on the adoption floor.
Please make an appointment to visit some of these amazing animals by calling the ACAS at (803) 642-1537. Meet them and judge them by their personalities, character and behavior. The ACAS is nearly at full capacity and these pets must find loving homes soon.
Their lives are in our hands.

–By Bob Gordon, FOTAS Communications Director
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